By Brian
Watching the 2013 CrossFit Games Southwest Regionals today got me thinking. What are you training for? Is it to get back into shape? To not suck at life? To Compete? To be able to run around and play with the kids? Or is it just to look better naked?
Whatever the case, CrossFit produces an elite level of fitness that provides us with unlimited possibilities. For me, I love the competition of CrossFit. Whether it is going head to head with some of the athletes in our gym, or competing at a local competition, I love it. And, I want to get better at it and the sport of CrossFit.
My goal is to take a team to the 2014 CrossFit Games Regionals. Incendia has a great group of athletes and we are getting better every day. The training for 2014 has already started. We are currently in the middle of our Summer Strength Cycle and a lot of you have already seen great improvements.
Check out the minimum standards list posted by Tommy Hackenbruck just a few weeks after Ute CrossFit won the team division at the 2012 CrossFit Games. At this weekend’s Regionals, Hack’s Pack Ute dominated the competition finishing with seven first place finishes in seven events. Ute CrossFit also had a second team, Ute All Stars, which finished in third place. How many of those standards can you cross off the list today? How many do you think you’ll be able to cross off in three months? Six months? Next year?
If your goal is to compete, take advantage of our Competitor Programming. Please come talk to me and we’ll plan together exactly what you need to do to compete at your highest level. Get ready, Incendia. I see a Road Trip to Regionals in our future!