September 6, 2018
Rest Day!
Conditioning: AMRAP x 12:00
Sicest #2
2000m row
Max Rep Burpees Over the Rower (lateral) in remaining time.
Conditioning: For Time
“Push Pull option 1”
6 Rounds
50 cal assault bike legs only
20 cal assault bike arms only
Conditioning: For Time
“Push Pull option 2”
Strict Press
Weighted pull ups
*you choose loads, Go Heavy with good form. Post loads in comments. Rest as needed between rounds. You can score by time completed but good form and heavy loads are more important.
“Push Pull option 3”
1RM Bench Press
1RM Deadlift
*combine both lifts for 1 score. Then do AMRAP at 50% of each 1RM. Post reps and loads in comments.
Conditioning: For Time
Scrambled Eggs
Teams of two
800m run
100m run
700m run
200m run
600m run
300m run
500m run
400m run
*Each partner will do each distance before moving on to the next. One partner rests while the other one works.
Snatch Grip Push Press (4 sets 3 reps)
Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS (Max)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 sets of 5 reps)
Increasing weight