September 6, 2012

Good Luck to our Luke Competitors/CJ B and Congrats to Dodo/Peach!

Strength: Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 (Use the heaviest weight you can for each set)

Skill: 10 minutes of handstand walk

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
10 Deadlifts (275/185)
50 Double Unders

CrossFit 101
WOD: Mini Cindy
10  Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

1) Snatch from Blocks @ Bottom of knee: Take 10 minutes to work up to a heavy triple (no misses), then repeat for three sets – rest as needed.
2) Clean & Jerk from Blocks @ Bottom of knee: Take 10 minutes to work up to a heavy double (no misses), then repeat for three sets – rest as needed.
3) HBBS: 1X4@70%, 1X4@75%, 1X4@80%, 1X4@85% – rest 2:00
4a) Front Squat: 1X5@60%, 1X5@65%, 2X5@70% – rest 60 sec.
4b) 4X3 Close Grip Bench Press (hands 12″ apart) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

Notes: There are four sets of both FS and BP, these should be performed alternating (as usual with A/B work).

5a) 3X8 Strict Weighted Pullups – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
5b) 3X8 Strict Weighted Tempo GH Raise – fast on the way up then 5 sec. count back down, heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor)