September 4th, 2014

Happy Birthday Kelly H, Scott H, and Karina V!

Rest Day

CrossFit 101:
a. Goblet Squat 10-10-10-10
b. Single Arm Shoulder Press 8-8-8-8
c. Farmers Carry 1-1-1-1 (150 feet each set)

*Four sets of 10 Goblet squats, 8 Shoulder press, 150′ farmers carry with one minute rest between sets

Wall balls – Single set for max reps

4 Minute Increasing Ladder of DB Thrusters and Lateral Burpees
(1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4…as far as you can go in 4 minutes)

CrossFit Prep
Lifts: Front Squat, Push Press, Thrusters

Skills: Rope Climbs and Ring Muscle Ups

CrossFit Endurance
Partner WOD:

-1 Mile Run (together)
-Each person then must make one basketball shot form 10 feet away
-800m run (each)
-400m run (each)
-80yd Sled Push (together)
-400m run (each)
-200m run (each)
-One rope climb (each)

Don’t forget about Zumba at 8am and Strongman at 9am!