September 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Scott H and Joseph P!

Strength: 1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats (x5 – Heaviest Weight for Each Set)

WOD: For Time
Wall Ball (20/14)
Kettlebell Snatch (53/35)

CrossFit 101
WOD #1: 5 Minute AMRAP of Double Unders

WOD #2: 3 Rounds for Time
10 Burpees
20 Dumbell Thrusters (choose load)

1) 12 minutes to establish a 3RM Hang (top of knee) Power Snatch.
2) 12 minutes to establish a 3RM Hang (top of knee) Power Clean.
3) 12 minutes to work to a near maximal complex of: Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk Work (from blocks or rack).
4a) 5×3 One-Stop Clean Pull (3 count pause at bottom of knee) @ 100%-110% of max Clean – rest 60 sec.
4b) 5×5 Pressing Snatch Balance – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

WOD: 5 rounds for total working time:
3 Muscle-Ups
Row 300m (all out – no gaming for MU)
3 Muscle-Ups
Rest 1:00 after each round.