September 22, 2016

CrossFit/Competitor/Barbell Club
Rest Day!

CrossFit 101
Conditioning: For Time
“Kettlebell Push”
3 Rounds:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
12 Handstand Push Ups

Finisher: For Time
100 Abmat Sit-ups

Conditioning: No Measure
50m walks while pulling weight
5 tire flips between each walk.
*Walk include: farmers, yoke/barbell on back and overhead, odd object front carry. AHAP.

Skill work of your choice

“Full body push”
Circuit: 1 min each with a running clock

Incline Push Ups
DB Sumo Squat
Singler arm shoulder press to triceps extention – alternating
DB Wall Sit
Repeat 3 times
**rest 2 min**
Banded Chest Fly
DB Step up repeaters
DB Floor press neutral grip
Evil SKS
Repeat 3 times
