By Lisa

One of the most difficult difficult aspects of running this gym is providing the right classes when they are wanted and needed. Over the last two years we’ve added and subtracted classes….but, mostly added….when we’ve noticed a need for different class times or class options. We add classes when certain times get full, but sometimes those classes don’t stay full based on the season.

People like early mornings or late nights in the summer and they don’t like these times in the winter (bye bye, 6:30am CrossFit 101). Other times, we move things around so that we can add a class where it’s really needed (hello, Thursday 4pm CrossFit 101). We also make changes when times aren’t used (see ya next time, 1pm KidCare). Most importantly, we change things when our advisors suggest it to keep our use in line with our zoning (hasta la vista Open Gym). We also figure out new classes that work with our zoning and your need to make up a WOD or work on your skills (welcome, Detention).

So, what is this Detention thing? Let’s talk about what it’s NOT. Detention is NOT CrossFit Prep, but you can come in and work on a skill or lift with a coach in a one-on-one type atmosphere. Detention is NOT Open Gym, but you can use this time to make up a WOD under the watchful eye of a coach. Yes, you will be coached while you WOD during this time. Detention is NOT just for CrossFitters. Detention is open to all members of the gym. 

So, what does this mean to you? In a nutshell:

  • Removed 6:30am CrossFit 101
  • Added Thursday 4pm CrossFit 101 (still no 5pm class because of CrossFit Kids)
  • Removed ALL Open Gym times
  • Added Detention from 10am-Noon on Thursdays (KidCare will be provided)
  • Removed 1pm KidCare

All these changes begin Monday. We still have 105 class times each week, plus all our Specialty Classes (which are totally FREE): Endurance, Yoga, Mobility, Barbell and Strongman. We still offer Kids’ Programming for Ages 2-18 and supervised KidCare 67 hours per week. If or when there is a demand for the classes we removed or additional classes, we’ll add them into the schedule.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please contact Brian or Lisa with anything we can do to ensure you have the best experience possible.

Showing 2 comments
  • amy

    What are your prices or packages?

  • amy

    What are your prices or packages?