October 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Payton McC!

WOD 1) 800m Run for Time

WOD 2) For Reps
1 minute of box jumps (30/24)
1 minute of  sumo deadlift high pulls (115/75)
2 minutes of box jumps
2 minutes of sumo deadlift high pulls
3 minutes of box jumps
3 minutes of sumo deadlift high pulls

CrossFit 101
Warm Up: Burgener Warm Up

Strength: EMOM x 7:00
1 power snatch + 1 squat snatch + 1 overhead squat
*Unloaded barbells

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
10 Dumbbell Push Press (choose load)
15 Slam Balls (40/25)
400m Run
*Dumbbells should be very challenging