October 21, 2017
Conditioning: 4 Rounds – 5 Min Each
10 Unbroken Back Squats 135/95
200m Run
10 Unbroken Back Squats
*RX+ 165/115
Conditioning: AMRAP x 20:00
Teams of 2
50 Cal Row/Partner Planks
75 Slam Balls/Partner Hangs from bar
100 Sit Ups/Partner Sits in Bottom of Squat
Zercher walk and squat
Zercher carry 10M, then 3 Zercher squats. Work up to AHAP.
Metcon (Time)
200M Sled push
21 Push Press
21 Back Squats
200M Sled Push
15 Push Press
15 Front Squats
200M Sled Push
9 Push Press
9 Hang Power Cleans
* Cash out, RX+ 21 CTB Pull-ups
RX 15 Pull-ups
Sled 90/45
RX+ 155/115
RX 135/95
Scale 95/55
Metcon (No Measure)
Muscle Beach Yard Pump
5 Rounds
10 DB Arnold press
10 DB Rows (single DB)
10 DB Curls
10 DB Shrugs
10 Band Face Pulls
10 GHD Sit Ups
(Choose load)
*cash out, 100 empty bar curls, close stance squats, overhead press and up right rows. (time permitting)
*coconut oil application optional, but recommended
T.J. (Time)
For Time:
10 Bench Presses, 185#
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Max Thrusters, 135#
Repeat the triplet until you have completed 100 Thrusters
*Put Rounds in comments
In honor of United States Marine Corps Pfc. Anthony “TJ” Antell Jr., 35, of Arlington, Texas