November 9, 2017
Rest Day!
Conditioning: For Time
50 Box Jumps 24/20
40 Slam Balls 40/25
30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
20 Plate OH lunges 45/25
10 Wall Walks
20 Plate OH Lunges
30 Kettlebell Swings
40 Slam Balls
50 Box Jumps
Conditioning: No Measure
“Yard Work ”
Complete in any order:
DB bench 5 X 10 @ AHAP
Strict pull-up 5 X Max Reps
Barbell Curls 5 X 10 @ AHAP
Dumbbell pull over 5 X 10 @ AHAP
DB hammer curls 5 X 10 per hand @ AHAP
Strict Dips 5 X Max Reps
GHD sit ups 5×10 w/wall ball
Conditioning: For Time
Hang Power Clean “Kalsu”
100 x Hang Power Cleans
EMOM – 3 x Burpees
Conditioning: For Time
Strong Push/Pull mile
*Push an empty big sled and/or
*Pull small sled approx. 1/2 BW
*You choose order.
Conditioning: For Calories
Against a 12 minute clock:
*Run 1 Mile
*Max Calories on the assault bike
– Rest 6 minutes –
Conditioning: For Calories
Against 12 minute clock:
Run 1 Mile
*Max Calories on the rower
3 sets of each couplet/triplet
15 Front Squat
15 Push Press
15 (R/L) Lunge back to knee up
15 (R/L) Single arm bent over row (pronated grip, hand behind back)
15 RDL
15 Floor press
10-15 Dips
Finisher x 2
24 air squats
12 push ups
24 lunge jumps (each leg)
12 Plank shoulder taps
Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat
40%x(2+1); 50%x(2+1); 60%x(2+1); 65%x(2+1); 70%x(2+1)
60% for 3, 65% for 3, 70% for 3, 75% for 2 sets of 2, 80% for 2 sets of 1
Snatch Grip Deadlift (3 Rep Max)