November 9, 2016

Happy Birthday Coach Dustin!

WOD: Each Round for Time
Row 4 x 1000m

CrossFit 101
WOD: Each Round for Time
Run 4 x 800m

CrossFit Teens
Strength: Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3

WOD: For Calories and Rounds
2 Minutes of Assault Bike
– then –
AMRAP x 8:00
5 Handstand Push ups
5 Deadlift (136/95)
5 Burpees Over the Bar

1) Torokhhtiy Snatch Complex
Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat

2) Push Press + Push Jerk 4 x 2

3) Clean Pull 3-3-3