November 28, 2014
Mixed-level classes 7am/8am/9am/10am!
WOD: For Time
“Thanksgiving with the Girls”
In today’s WOD we will have a typical holiday and visit a few family and friends houses to help them celebrate their unique traditions. You will have a partner and each person will complete all reps.
For Time:
Angie’s House
20 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
20 Sit-up (abmat)s
20 Air Squats
Helen’s House
400 m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 lbs
12 Pull-ups
Fran’s House
15 Thrusters 95/65 lbs
Nancy’s House
400 m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65 lbs
Grace/Isabel’s House
20 Ground To Overheads 95/65 lbs
Kelly’s House
400 m Run
30 Box Jump (24/20 in.)s
30 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs
*101: Scale with dumbbells or plate