May 5, 2017

Strength: EMOM x 8:00
Strict Pull Up
*Choose a number that you can do UNBROKEN for the entire 8 minutes. Score is number of pull ups done per minute. If you break a set score it the same but it is not RX’d
Conditioning: For Time
30 Toes-to-bars
10 Power Snatches, 95/65
20 Toes-to-bars
20 Power Snatches, 95/65
10 Toes-to-bars
30 Power Snatches, 95/65

Conditioning: AMRAP – EMOM 25:00
Cinco Fun
Minute 1: 15 Wall Balls
Minute 2: 15 Kettlebell Swings
Minute 3: 15 Box Jumps
Minute 4: 15 Bicep Curls (1 DB in each hand)
Minute 5: 15/12 Calories on the Rower
*RX+ is 20 Reps of Each (Ladies would do 15 on Rower)
*Log each RX Round Completed