May 4, 2015
Strength: 4 x 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squat
*Use heaviest weight possible for each set
WOD: 5 Rounds for Time
15 kettlebell swings (70/53)
15 deficit push-ups, hands on 25-lb. plates
Run 400 meters
CrossFit 101
Strength: Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 8-8-8
*Use heaviest weight possible for each set
WOD: 3 Rounds For Time
Run 200 meters
10 Toes to Bar
20 Push Ups
30 Air Squats
1) 7X2 Snatch from blocks (just above knee) – work to a max double for the day, rest as needed
2) 5X3 Pullups + 3 C2B Pullups + 3 Bar Muscle-Ups (the goal is unbroken: if you cannot complete the complex UB, complete the reps in a way where you practice the transition between each movement) – rest 90 sec.
3) 4X10 Back Squats (timed sets) – work to a close to a true maximal set of 10 (go to failure or near failure) and note time for each set, rest 90 sec.
WOD: 20:00 AMRAP
50′ HS Walk
50 KB Snatches (53/35)