May 12, 2019
Crossfit Extreme
Kitchen sink (AMRAP – Reps)
10 x 4 min rounds with one minute rest after each round
500/400 m row buy in then max effort of:
Round 1: snatch (95/65) (rx+ 115/85)
Round 2: 10 m shuttle run
Round 3: sumo deadlift high pull (95/65) (rx+115/85)
Round 4: air squats
Round 5: shoulder to overhead (95/65) (rx+ 115/85)
Round 6: triple unders (yes, for real)
Round 7: cleans (115/85) (rx+ 135/95)
Round 8: Hand release push ups
Round 9: deadlifts (135/95) (rx+185/135)
Round 10. Alternating lunges (in place)
500 m row men/400 m women. All 10 movements will be added together for total reps. Movements can be done in any order, but all movements must be done for Rx