March 5, 2014

WOD: For Time
Run 1 mile
Row 2000m
Run 1 mile

CrossFit 101
Warm Up: 5 Minute AMRAP
2 Minutes of Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
2 Minutes of Double Unders

WOD: For Rounds
“Death by 10 Meters”
With a continuously running close perform:
Run 10m in the first 1 minute,
Run 20m in the second 1 minute,
Run 30m in the third 1 minute,
….continuing as long as you are able.

1) EMOM for 5:00 – 2 Power Snatches @ 100% of last week plus 5#.
2) EMOM for 5:00 – 2 Power Clean & Push Jerks @ 100% of last week plus 5#.

WOD: 30 Minute AMRAP
Row 500m
4/3 Muscle-Ups