March 24, 2014

Strength: Work up to a heavy single thruster

WOD: For Reps (Record Each Round)
1) 4 Minute AMRAP/Increasing Ladder*
Thruster (95/65)
Bar Facing Burpees

— Rest 4 Minutes —

2) 4 Minute AMRAP/Increasing Ladder*
Thruster (135/95)
Bar Facing Burpees

— Rest 4 Minutes —

3) 4 Minute AMRAP/Increasing Ladder*
Thruster (155/105)
Bar Facing Burpees

CrossFit 101
WOD: Record Reps of Best Round
1) 4 Minute AMRAP/Increasing Ladder*
Dumbbell Thruster (choose load)
Lateral Burpee

— Rest 4 Minutes —

2)  4 Minute AMRAP/Increasing Ladder*
Dumbbell Thruster (choose load/same weight at WOD 1)
Lateral Burpee

— Rest 4 Minutes —

3) 4 Minute AMRAP/Increasing Ladder*
Dumbbell Thruster (choose load/same weight as WODs 1 & 2
Lateral Burpee

WOD: 14.4 Re-Do or CrossFit WOD

*Increasing Ladder is 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5 and so on…..