March 10, 2016
CrossFit 101
Strength: Push Press 3-3-3
WOD: AMRAP x 20:00
“The Painful Plate”
10 Bumper Plate Thrusters (45/25)
10 Bumper Plate Burpees
10 Overhead Lunges
* While one partner works on the AMRAP, the other is carrying his/her plate 200 meters. When they complete 200m, the partners switch, taking over where the other left off.
CrossFit Teens
Strength: Power Snatch 5 x 1
WOD: 10 Rounds for Time
3 Power Snatches
10 Wall Balls
Incendia Endurance
WOD: 10 Rounds for Time
Sprint 200m
*Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds
Incendia Strongman
WOD: 5 Rounds for Max Reps
Bodyweight Bench Press
Pull Ups
Finisher: 5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Curl to Overhead Press
10 GHD Sit Ups