June 27, 2016

Skill: Death by Handstand Push Up

WOD: AMRAP x 17:00
“Granite Games Qualifier WOD 2”
50 Calorie Row
50 Wall Ball Shots
50 Shoulder to Overhead (115/85)
50 Box Jumps (24/20)

CrossFit 101
WOD 1) AMRAP x 12:00
10 Burpees
25 Double Unders

WOD 2) AMRAP x 12:00
“Not Bubbles”
10 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
25 Abmat Sit Ups
*6 Minutes Rest Between WODs

Barbell Club
1) Snatch (Work up to 85% x 1 x 5 Sets)

2) Heaving Snatch Balance (5 x 1)
*All 5 sets at +5-10kg from todays snatches with a 2 second pause in the bottom of the squat.

3)Front Squat (3-2-1-1-1-1-1)