June 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Tawni A!

Back Squat 1×4 at 75% 1RM
Back Squat 1×4 at 80% 1RM
Back Squat 1×4 at 80% 1RM
Back Squat 1×4 at 80% 1RM

WOD: For Reps
“Death by Thrusters and Pull Ups”
1 Thruster, 95/65 lbs and 1 Pull-up in the first 1 min
2 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs and 2 Pull-ups in the second 1 min
3 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs and 3 Pull-ups in the third 1 min
…continue until you can no longer

CrossFit 101
WOD 1) 6 Minute AMRAP
Run 800M
Max Rep Toes to Bar

— Rest 1 Minute —

WOD 2) Row 1000m
Max Rep Double Unders

Teen Weightlifting
1) Deadlift 7RM
2) Strict Press 5-5-5