June 23, 2016

CrossFit/Competitor/Barbell Club

CrossFit 101
Skill: Spend 5-7 minutes on handstand practice

Strength: Front Squat 3-2-1-3-2-1

WOD: For Time
“101 Thruster Stamina”
Unbroken Thrusters for Time (choose load)
*Suggested weight 22/33/45 or RX+ 95/65

Barbell Basics
Lift: Snatch

Incendia Endurance
Assault Bike: 5 Miles
Row: 5000m
*Teams of 2

Incendia Strongman
Warm Up: 10 Rounds
Push Ups (10/5)
Hill Sprints

WOD: AMRAP x 15:00
50′ Odd Object Front Carry and Squats

Incendia Gymnastics
1) Freestanding handstand skill work

2) Ring work
-skin the cat

3) Second week of tempo GHD sit ups and strict pull-ups