July 6, 2019
Ring row/ghd (3 x max reps)
3 rounds
Max rep ring row superset with 10-25 ghd sit ups
The bottom of the lowest part of the wood on the rings must be hung 34” from the floor. A line must be taped directly under the rig, in line with the rig and the rings. The athlete’s heels must be across the line at all times. Arms must be straight at the bottom of the movement (elbows fully extended) and the athlete must rise until the rings touch their chest.
GHD sit up- buttocks beyond centerline of pad, men touch ground, women touch 4 inch plate. If you frequently do GHD go for 25, if you don’t do frequently don’t do more than 10-15
Score lowest set of ring rows, record number of GHD sit ups in comments. Same number of GHDs each set
Hold onto your bells! (Time)
125 double kb Russian swings for time (35/26)
– EMOM 4 box step overs on 20 inch box holding kB
– Starting with box step overs
12 min timecap
Teamwork Rows & Plates (Time)
For time:
Row 3200 m
11 Bumper Plate Ground To Overheads (45/25)
22 Overhead Walking Lunge With Plates,(45/25)
Teams of 3 accumulate 3200m total. Meet someone new! Teams of two may also opt for no rest.
Partner A: Row
Partner B: G20 & Lunge
Partner 3: Rest
Partner B is “timekeeper”
Graceabell Row Boat (Time)
Buy-in: row 30 cal.
30 rounds:
1 Clean and Jerk
1 Snatch
Cash out: row 30 cal.
The Longest Mile (Time)
4 Rounds
10 Burpees
100M Run
10 Air Squats
100M Run
10 Push Ups
100M Run
10 Sit Ups
100M Run
AdamBrown (Time)
Two Rounds For Time of:
295 pound Deadlift, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24″ box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
195 pound Bench press, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24″ box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
145 pound Clean, 24 reps
In honor of Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Adam Lee Brown, 36, of Hot Springs, AR, was killed on March 17th, 2010
To learn more about AdamBrown click here
Metcon (Time)
Strong Death March
8 Rounds
200M of the following:
Barbell/Yoke carry 135/95
Farmers 70/53 per hand
Odd Object carry AHAP
Sled Push 95/45
*you choose order