July 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Jason McA and Jeff McM!

Strength: EMOM x 7:00
3 Power Snatches (choose load)
*Increase each minute

WOD: For Time
Run 800m
— then —
Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
Box Jump overs (24/20)

CrossFit 101
WOD: For Reps
6 Rounds, 1 Minute per Station of:
Row for Calories
Double Under
Rest 1 Minute
*Record Total Reps per Round

CrossFit Prep
Lifts: Over Head Squat and Snatch
Skills: Pull Ups

Mini-WOD: 12-9-7-5
Squat Snatch (45/35)
Wall Ball (20/14)

CrossFit Teens
WOD: Each Round for Time
Row 2000m
Row 1000m
Row 500m

1) Clean from Blocks 5 x 2 @ 80%
2) Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1