July 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Mike C & Brett H!

Strength: Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 (use heaviest weight for each set)

WOD: For Time
5 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull Ups/10 Push Ups/15 Air Squats)
15 Hang Power Snatches (125/85)
5 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull Ups/10 Push Ups/15 Air Squats)

1) Take 5 attempts to work up to a near maximal Clean & Jerk (goal is no misses)
2) EMOM for 5 minutes – 1 Clean & Jerk @ 85-90% of max
3) 3×3 Pause Front Squats (5 second pause in absolute bottom)
4) 3×5 Push Press (heaviest possible)

WOD: Same as CrossFit
Hang Power Snatch Weight (155/105)