January 7, 2014
Strength: Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
*Use heaviest weight possible for each set. Touch and go reps. No resting in rack position.
WOD: “Hard Cindy”
20 Minute AMRAP
5 Weighted Pull Ups (35 lbs)
10 Push Ups with feet on box (30)
15 Squats holding a plate (45)
CrossFit 101
WOD: For Time
150 Burpees (Advanced)
100 Burpees (Intermediate)
CrossFit Prep
Lifts Learned: Presses and Deadlifts
WOD: For Time
9 Snatches (155)
Row 2000m
15 Snatches
Row 1000m
21 Snatches
Row 500m
CrossFit Incendia Endurance
Skills: Running Technique
WOD: 400m and 1 mile time trials