January 5, 2017
Rest Day!
Conditioning: 3 Rounds For Time
“La Pistola 101”
Run 400m
5 Wall Climbs
10 Assisted Pistols (each leg)
*Assist pistol with band or box.
RX+ is 3 Rounds:
800m Run
10 Wall Climbs
10 Pistols (each leg)
For time:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Squats, 135
50 Bench press, 135
Run 800 meters
35 Back Squats, 135
35 Bench press, 135
Run 800 meters
20 Back Squats, 135
20 Bench press, 135
Run 800 meters
1 Muscle-up
*In honor of U.S. Marine Corporal Keaton G. Coffey, 22, of Boring, Oregon, was killed on May 24, 2012
**Stronger style:
Sub 400M barbell walk and/or 70/53 KB farmers walk for 800M run.
Alternative WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
20 Min AMRAP
1 x Stone To Shoulder @ BW
1 x Strict Press @ BW
Conditioning: 8 Rounds For Time
300m Run
40 Double Unders
1:00 Rest between rounds