February 28, 2018


Weightlifting: Weighted Push-up
5 sets of 5 reps weighted push-up.
Conditioning: ARMAP x 5:00
Mainsite 110516
275 pound Deadlift, 3 reps
115 pound Push press, 7 reps
*This workout is moderately heavy and very fast. Pick loads that are challenging but still allow you to complete each set unbroken. If you are unsure of loading, go lighter and go faster.
*Intermediate Option
Men: 185-lb. deadlift, 85-lb. push press
Women: 125-lb. deadlift, 55-lb. push press
*Beginner Option
Men: 115-lb. deadlift, 45-lb. push press
Women: 75-lb. deadlift, 35-lb. push press

Conditioning: AMRAP x 5:00
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
*Rest 2 Min

AMRAP X 3:00
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Hanging Knee Raises
*Rest 1 Min

AMRAP x 1:00
Assault Bike Calories