February 27, 2013
For Time:
200 Double Unders
Deadlift (9000#/7000#)
75 Barbell Thrusters (45/35)
* Weight on bar determines number of deadlifts.
* Reps can be broken up however you want.
* Once the workout begins, deadlift weight must stay the same.
CrossFit 101
For Time:
Walking Lunge 100ft
21 Pull Ups
21 Sit Ups
Walking Lunge 100ft
18 Pull Ups
18 Sit Ups
Walking Lunge 100ft
15 Pull Ups
15 Sit Ups
Walking Lunge 100ft
12 Pull Ups
12 Sit Ups
Walking Lunge 100ft
9 Pull Ups
9 Sit Ups
Walking Lunge 100ft
6 Pull Ups
6 Sit Ups