December 3, 2015

Happy Birthday Alyssa T and Reagan S!


CrossFit 101
Strength: Shoulder Press 5-5-5

WOD: For Time
“GI Jane”
100 Burpee Pull Ups

CrossFit Teens
Skill: 3 x Max Rep Toes to Bar

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
12 Pull-ups

Warm Up: 5 Rounds
50 Yard Bear Crawl
50 Yard Bear Hug Heavy Object Carry

WOD: 100 back squats 50% of 1RM
*25 KB swings for every rack of the bar (70/53)

Skill: 10 Minutes Class Choice

WOD: Complete maximum reps by doing 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest for 2 rounds of:
1) Handstand holds
2) Toes-to-bars
3) Pull-ups
4) Press handstands (tuck/pike/straddle)