December 19, 2016
Strength: Paused Front Squat
*3 second pause on each rep
Conditioning: 5 RFT
Row Calories 20/15
10 Thrusters, 115/85
Conditioning: For Time
“Teamwork Tuesday on a Monday”
10 Dumbbell Squat Clean 35/25
Run 200 m
9 Dumbbell Squat Clean
Run 200 m
8 Dumbbell Squat Clean
Run 200 m
7 Dumbbell Squat Clean
Run 200 m
6 Dumbbell Squat Clean
Run 200 m
5 Dumbbell Squat Clean
Run 200 m
4 Dumbbell Squat Clean
Run 200 m
3 Dumbbell Squat Clean
Run 200 m
2 Dumbbell Squat Clean
Run 200 m
1 Dumbbell Squat Clean
Run 200 m
*Teams of 2.
*Partner A completes the full round, then tags Partner B in to do the same. Partner B rests while Partner A works.
*Time is called after Partner B completes the 1 DB Squat Clean and the 200m Run.