August 9, 2016
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
250 Row
10 Dumbbell Front Squats (30/20)
10 Dumbbell Push Press (30/20)
Strength: Front Squat (5-4-3-4-3-2)
*Build to a heavy double
WOD: AMRAP x 10:00
200m Run
*Scale with 1 AbMat or feet on a box…
CrossFit 101
Strength: EMOM x 10:00
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
*Technique PRs ONLY! Increase load only when the movement is perfect.
WOD: 7 Rounds for Time
2010 SD/AZ Sectional WOD #2
7 Power Snatches (95#/65#)
7 Box Jump (30″ / 24″)
*Scale as needed
Incendia Barbell Club
Front Squat 10 x 3 @ 83%
CrossFit Kids
Warm-up: Speed and Agility Ladder
Perfect push up
Medball Cleans
WOD: AMRAP x 8:00
10 Calories on Rower
10 Ab Mat Situps
10 Pushups