August 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Makenna W!

Strength: EMOM x 7:00
3 Power Snatch
*Touch and go reps. Do not drop barbell!

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time
“Black and Blue”
10 Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Burpees

CrossFit 101
Skill: Got Pull Ups Day 13
1) Eccentric Let Down 5 x 5 seconds
2) EMOM x 8:00: 4 strict pull ups with band (pause at the bottom…no bounce!)
3) Weighted Inverted Row 10 x 3 (25/15)

WOD: For Time
Dumbbell Snatch Right
Dumbbell Snatch Left

Teen Weightlifting
1) Back Squat 1RM
2) Front Rack Lunge 20-20-20