August 13, 2015
Happy Birthday Layla C!
CrossFit 101
WOD: AMREP in 12:00
Double Unders (3:00)
10m Shuttle Run (3:00)
Double Unders (2:00)
10m Shuttle Run (2:00)
Double Unders (1:00)
10m Shuttle Run (1:00)
Post: 3 Rounds
20 Supermans
15 Sit Ups
10 V Ups
5 Toes to Bar
CrossFit Prep
Skill: Muscle Up Progression #2
Mini WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
12 Med Ball Cleans
9 Burpees
5 Shoulder to Overhead (75/55)
CrossFit Teens
WOD: Coach Amanda’s Surprise
Incendia Endurance
WOD 1) 10 Rounds of 0:30 Row and 0:30 Rest
WOD 2) AMREP in 10:00 of Double Unders
WOD 3) 10 x 100m Run (0:30 Rest)
Incendia Barbell
1) Snatch High Pull + Hang Snatch 2-2-2-2-2
2) Power Clean from Blocks 2-2-2-2-2