August 11, 2018
Conditioning: For Time
Doubles and Oly
50 double-unders
5 squat snatches
50 double-unders
4 squat snatches
50 double-unders
3 squat snatches
50 double-unders
2 squat snatches
*Add weight to the snatch each round.
*Men: 185-205-225-245 lb.
*Women: 135-145-155-165 lb.
Conditioning: For Time
The Angry 100s
100 Wall Balls
100 KB Swings 53/35
100 Box Jump Overs
100 Assault Bike Calories
*Every 5 minutes run 300m (together).
**Workout begins with the run!
Conditioning: 7 Rounds for Time
11 back squats 185/125
10 Jerks 135/95
Conditioning: AMRAP – Reps
6 rounds
Max effort thrusters 75/55
50 m sled push 90/45
*Complete amrap of thrusters followed immediately by max effort 50 m sled push
*rest 3 min between rounds
*score will be total number of thrusters
Conditioning: 7 rounds for time
10 manmakers
20 db deadlifts
30 single arm db snatches (15 per arm)
40 single arm overhead lunges (20 per arm)
50 db swings
*Rx 35/20
*Rx+ 45/30
*This is a very long WOD, highly recommend considering doing with a partner