April 7, 2015
Strength: 5 x 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch
*Work up to 75-80% 1RM Snatch.
WOD: As Many Reps as Possible in 7 Minutes
1 Power Snatch (115/75)
20 Double Unders
2 Power Snatches
20 Double Unders
3 Power Snatches
20 Double Unders
….Continue increasing ladder by 1 power snatch until time is up.
CrossFit 101
WOD: For Total Calories Rowed
“Teamwork Tuesday”
Every 1 Minute for 24 Minutes, Alternate Between
Row for Calories (20/15)
10 Burpees
12 Alternating Jumping Lunges
*Teams of 3. One person begins on each movement. Score by total calories rowed per team.
Pre: EMOM x 12
Minute 1: 2 Rope Climbs
Minute 2: 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Minute 3: 12 Double Kettlebell Swings (44/26)
WOD: Same as CrossFit
Post: For Time
50 GHD Sit Ups
50 Calories on Assault Bike
CrossFit Prep
Lifts: Strict Press, Push Press, Push Jerk
Skill: Kipping Pull Up