April 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Rachael M!

Strength: Back Squat 3×5
*Use same weight for each set

WOD: 5 Rounds for Total Reps
:40 Double Unders
:20 Rest
:40 Sit Ups
:20 Rest
:40 Row
:20 Rest

CrossFit 101
WOD: For Time
100 Kettlebell Swings (choose load)
5 Burpees EMOM
*Begin with kettlebell swings, then EMOM starting with 1:00


  • 1) 2 Position Snatch (above knee/floor) 1-1-1-1-1
  • 2) 2 Position Snatch (above knee/floor) 1 @ 95% and 1 @ 90%
  • 3) Behind the Neck Push Press 3-3-3-3
  • 4) Front Rack Walking Lunge 10-10-10

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time
ME Unbroken Handstand Push Ups
12 Dumbbell Snatches (70/50)
1:1 Rest