April 26, 2019

Front Squat (4×3)
1st Rep Pause 1 Second
-5% for Max Reps (Try to get 4!)
Champion (Time)
2 Rounds

25 Handstand Push-ups
20 Deadlifts 135/95
15 Overhead Squats 135/95
10 Burpee Box Jump overs 24/20
800m Run
“Becky Conzelman was a former CrossFit Games Athlete, Pro Cyclist, Mom and Co-Founder of Faith RXD. Becky experienced a brain aneurysm that eventually led to her passing away on the morning of April 6th, 2019. Honestly, there are no words to describe how special of a woman Becky was. Her faith was ridiculously strong and she loved so fiercely. The CHAMPION workout was created in her honor. So, today, when you’re working out may you be reminded of just how fragile life is and reminded of where your faith is. Becky wouldn’t want any of this to be about her but about the one in whom she placed her trust and hope in, God. Anyone interested in showing appreciation and support for Becky is encouraged to consider making a tax deductible contribution to FAITH RXD via FAITHRXD.org/support.”

Pullup Practice
Kips, Hips & Pulls!
1-Mile Run (Time)
Max Effort 1-Mile Run