April 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Meagan C, Pam H and Stacy McB!

Pre: 30 Toes to Bar for Time

WOD: For Time
Run 1000m
30 Handstand Push Ups
Run 1000m

CrossFit 101
WOD: 12 Minute AMRAP
200m Run
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (choose load)
15 Toes to Bar

1) 5 x 3 Jerk From the Rack
2) 4 x 5 Tempo Ring Dips
3) 4 x 5 Jerk Grip BTN Push Press

WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP
14 Kettlebell Thrusters (24/26)
14 Toes to Bar

CrossFit Prep
Lifts: Overhead Squat, BTN Jerk, Snatch Balance
Skill: Ring Work