September 14, 2017
Rest Day!
Conditioning: AMRAP x 15:00
400M Run
30 Double Unders
20 Kettle Bell Swings (53/35)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
200m Walking Lunge – Not for time
Conditioning: For Time
Strongman Mile
200M of each event:
Barbell on back (BW)
KB farmers walk 70/53
Sled Push 180/90 load
Barbell Overhead (1/2 BW)
Front Carry (Heavy Object)
*can be done in any order, post loads/object in comments.
Conditioning: 7 Rounds for reps
Seven Heaven
25/15 Calorie Row
Max Jerk Reps Rx 135/95
Rx+ 185/95
(Seven 2 minute rounds, score is Max Jerk reps completed each round. Rest 1 minute between rounds)
Double Tabatas (3 Rounds for reps)
8 Sets:
:40 Calorie Assault Bike
:20 Rest
2:00 rest
8 Sets:
:40 Calorie Row
:20 Rest
2:00 Rest
8 Sets:
:40 Max rep burpee
:20 Rest
*Score total reps for each round.
*Round 1: Bike
*Round 2: Row
*Rounds 3: Burpee
3 Sets of each couplet/triplet
1a – DB Bench Press with Rotation x 15
1b – Seated Squat Jumps x 15
2a – Single Arm Dumbbell Row 10 R & 10 L
2b – Stationary Lunge, Curl to OH Press 10 R & 10 L
3a – Row Machine Abs x 10
3b – Scissor Kicks x 20
3c – MB Side throws 10 R & 10 L
Frog Style Pop Squats x 20
Plank Jacks x 20+
Strength: Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance (4 sets of 2)
Barbell: Snatch (5 Singles)
Work up to a HEAVY single, possibly a max
Snatch Grip Deadlift (6 Sets of 3 Reps)
Paused 2 seconds below knee. Increasing weight