October 28, 2017

Conditioning: 4 Rounds for reps
AMRAP 3 Min x 4
7 Toes to Bar
7 Deadlifts 185/135
2 Min Rest Between AMRAPs

Saturday Team WOD
Conditioning: 5 Rounds for reps
60 seconds of Rowing (for calories)
60 seconds of Kettlebell Swings
60 seconds of Box Jumps
Rest 60 seconds

Conditioning: 5 Rounds for Reps
Strong Fight Gone Bad
1 min Cal Row or Bike
1 min KB Snatch
1 min Goblet Squat
1 min Push Ups
1 Min Rest
Rx 53/35
Rx+ 70/53
Score is total reps, note Row or Bike in comments

Conditioning: For Time
Deficit Push Ups or Pull ups
20M Single Dumbbell overhead carry after each round.
*note choice of push ups or pull ups and dumbbell load in comments. Hands on 45# plates for push ups. *Side note, if you are feeling like a B.A., do both push ups and pull ups, just note that in the comments>

Conditioning: 3 Rounds for Time
Partner Woehike
4 Jerks
5 front squats
6 power cleans
40 pull ups
50 push ups
60 sit ups
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
RX+ 185/135

Conditioning: 3 Rounds, each for Time
4 Jerks, 185
5 Front Squats, 185
6 Power Cleans, 185
40 Pull-ups
50 Push-ups
60 Sit-ups
In honor of Brian Woehlke, 29, of Detroit, Michigan